Aug 29, 2011


Here are some small sketches from the flight back from Fan Expo Canada... Based on true events!


Spotted some Toth books I needed to grab. 

Me reading said Toth books...


Most nights after the con...


Aug 21, 2011


Just finished work on a pitch for next week. I'll be in Toronto at Fan Expo Canada with my partner in crime on this project Jeremy Holt and we'll be showing it to any and everyone.

Huge thanks to letterer extraordinaire Jesse Post  and designing pimp Matt Battaglia.

We all put in a ton of work this week to hit that ever important print deadline. I owe these fellas steaks and beer.

Sleeps calling...


Aug 18, 2011


Close to being done...


Aug 16, 2011

Sleepwalker Pitch...

A teaser panel from the recent project/pitch I'm working on right now... The print deadline is looming, so the last two weeks have been busy. The rest of this week looks to be even busier!

If I haven't responded to an email you've sent my way. My bad... I'll get back to you as soon I wrap up work on this.


the BLVD Storybook 1.0

A sketch by the awesomely talented Tommy Lee Edwards from SDCC '11. Sent to me by great podcaster and cool dude, Pat Loika

This came on one of the backing boards with the BLVD Storybook 1.0 that Pat sent me. I'm looking forward to digging into this and seeing what all the BLVD fellas came up with. I'm a huge fan of the entire group.


Aug 11, 2011

An Interview With Lil' Ol' Me....

There's an interview with me up on the DRAWMORE INC. website. Here's a link. Go read my rambling!

Some new and old work on there as well. Maybe some images from a new project/pitch that I'm working on righttttt now... Maybe.

Here's a sketch from a while ago...


Aug 7, 2011

Mister Colt

A coloured sketch of a character from another short anthology piece I'm working on... More on that soon.


Aug 3, 2011

Wild Talents...

I haven't updated in a few days. So here ya go! Posted this on my tumblr account as well (Myself and writer Richard Carbonneau share a tumblr account that tracks our progress on a project we're slowly working on. You can find it here

Lack of updates on this here blog because I'm knee deep in a few other projects. I like to take on a lot of work... it makes me feel alive! -- yeah whatever.

I'll post again soon.
