Sep 8, 2016

The Killer Inside Me #1 - Second Priniting!

Looks like the first issue has sold out and IDW is doing a second printing!

Going to have to keep this short since I have a deadline coming up.

I'm a guest at the Edmonton Expo (Friday, Sept 23 - Sunday, Sept 25). Swing by and say hi.

A few spots left on my pre-convention commission list. Contact me to get on it (I added an email contact thing to the blog - on the top right!) I'm keeping the price low for these since I want to keep them loose and fairly quick.

9 x 12 (b/w + inkwash/markers) - $40 (Have to be picked up at the show.)

Link to Bleeding Cool article about the sell out.

The second printing cover. I like the red they chose.

A sketch from a recent signing. Pitt pen, pentel pocket brush, and ink wash.