Whoever said that finishing pages is the best feeling ever was right. I've been so busy working on pages the last few weeks that I haven't had much time time to think, more like over-think, the drawing process. Mostly relying on my instincts and some well thought out thumbnails, which as I keep going seems to be the most important aspect of this whole drawing thing. Take care of the storytelling and page flow at that stage so you can concentrate on actually drawing good once you get to the big board. I definitely feel that I've improved over the course of the pages... speed wise and art wise. On to the next page.
y'know, I just discovered the exact same thing. I finally realized that I need very tight and well thought out thumbnails otherwise things go pear shaped really fast.
You are dead on when you say it let's you concentrate on the actual drawing. I think my stuff is going to get a lot better and maybe a lil different now because of this revelation we share.
Chris - Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I recently started blowing my thumbnails up and drawing a print sized rough too. That way I can avoid adding detail that looks good on the original art at 10"x15" but doesn't really add anything when reduced. I then blow that print sized rough up to 10x15" and lightbox onto bristol board.
I'd love to see your roughs. I was thinking about doing similar as well LOL
In fact, just email me! it;s easier than going thru comment posts hehe
Sent you an email Chris.
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