May 2, 2012

Tiger Lawyer...

If you've been following me on twitter you may already know this, but here's some amazing and awesome news...

Tiger Lawyer is blowing up!
Starting in JUNE, Tiger Lawyer will be a 1 page back up (new stories folks!) in Joe Keatinge's Image Comics series Hell Yeah.

Yes you heard that right. Tiger is moving on up.

There's a cool story about how this all worked out and how word of mouth and twitter/blogs worked in amazing ways.... ask me about it over a beer sometime.

Here's a lil teaser image we cooked up...

Also, I started a tumblr... so come follow me there too....



Flo said...

I see Now you Site
Great Drawings Style!!!
My best regards

Vic Malhotra said...

Thanks Floriano! I really appreciate it :)

Farrah Hasham said...

nicely done Vic!! Very excited to see more Tiger Lawyer!